Thank you for using
Finetest Lite.
<OSANG Healhtcare Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter called
establishes and releases a guideline for private information
as below, with a view to protecting your personal information safe and sound,
and resolving any problems arising from privacy issues.
? Data used by Finetest Lite
The Finetest Lite app uses cameras, accounts, contacts, and Internet permissions, and is used solely for the following purposes:
1) Account (e-mail) and contact (my phone number) are used for ID and PW for member identification, respectively. Finetest Lite Used when running and changing settings.
2) The camera is used for the user to manage the blood glucose by attaching photographs to the items to be managed
3) The Internet is used to store user information and to maintain information when the device is changed or the app is reinstalled.
In addition, the information will be deleted when the user leaves the membership.
? Collection and Management of Personal
'Company' collects and manages
personal information of least-bound that it finds necessary through App or Web,
depending on the service provided to user. Purpose of collecting and managing
personal information by 'Company' is solely to identify the subscription
intention of users, and to analyze users? data and process statistics without
individual identifications.
?Company? does not use personal information of
users for any other purposes.
? Duration
and Handling of Personal Information
'Company' makes it a rule to collect, handle and possess user?s
personal information from the time when the user registers to use Company?s App
service till the time that the user cancels to receive Company?s App service.
This duration is subject to the relevant Act and subordinate statute of the
nation where ?Company? belongs to.
However, in case that there are claim and
obligation remained between ?Company? and the user,?Company? has the right to
hold user?s personal information until the issue is cleared. Deleting a means to
connect App service such as web browser or app by user is interpreted as a
temporary halt, and therefore we do not consider this is the ending date of
holding user?s private information. 'Company? handles and manages the collected
personal information.
However, if ?Company? finds it necessary to improve
efficiency and expertise, it may appoint a special company to conduct it, part
or whole, within the limits of relevant Act and subordinate statute.
In this
case, ?Company? takes a full responsibility of supervising the appointed company
not to reprocess personal data and re-consign the work to other parties, other
than the designated assignments, being conducted according to the relevant Act
and subordinate statute of the country ?Company? belongs to. ?Company? makes
sure that every assignment of the appointed company is in writing to ensure a
safe management of personal information on its behalf.
? Assignment of Personal Information to the 3rd
Inevitably, 'Company' may release part
of personal information of users to the 3rd parties, within the limits of
relevant Act and subordinate statute of the country where ?Company? belongs
In this case, the released data will be processed and delivered with no
personal ID exposed.
?Company? can release this, only upon user?s
? Rights & Responsibilities
and Personal Information Ownership
User can
exercise his/her rights about personal information protection anytime such as
- Requesting a personal information reading
- Requesting to amend
any mistakes in personal information
- Requesting to delete personal
- Requesting to stop using personal information by
However, 'Company' may postpone such requests to the next business
day, if such request falls outside business day or hours.
? Maintenance and Destruction of Personal Information
'Company' processes and saves personal information
categories acquired from the connected in-vitro diagnostic and medical devices,
including name, DOB, gender, email, height, weight etc., once user agrees to
Company service terms and privacy policy.
'Company' destroys personal data
immediately upon reaching its possession time limit.
In principle, personal
data in digital format will be deleted or re-formatted, while paper-format data
will be shredded or incinerated.
Installation/Employment of Automated Personal
Information Collection
Equipment and Refusal
?Company? uses "Cookies"
which save and bring out user information in order to provide often personalized
and customized services. Cookies are diminutive text files ? sent to the user?s
browser from the servers operated by the websites
- saved on the user?s
computer hard-disc.
So, if the users visit websites, the websites' servers
read data under Cookies, saved in users' hard-disc, to maintain users'
environment settings and provide customized services. ?Company? must use of
Cookie for the following purpose.
- Purpose of using Cookies
The cookies
allow ?Company? to provide a personal customized service including advertisement
by understanding the records of users' website visits, patterns, and interests.
Users have the right to allow or deny saving cookies. Therefore, users can
either allow the use of all cookies by setting different options through
web-browsers, continuously check when cookies are saved, or deny the use of all
- Refusal and Saving of Cookies
Users can either allow the use of
all cookies by setting different options through web-browsers, continuously
check when cookies are saved, or deny the use of all cookies. The following
directions will give a guidance to designate allowance of Cookie installation.
Internet Explorer: Tool Menu on upper side of web-browser > Internet Option
> Personal Information > Setting However, if users deny saving Cookies,
they may experience significant inconveniences and additionally, some
limitations of services that requiring log-in
? Company Officer for Personal
Information Protection
'Company' designates a
person who supervises Company?s privacy policy, deals with customer complaints
on privacy policy, and relieve damages as below.
Officer for Personal Information
Name : Sang-Youp
Title : Manager, IT
OSANG Healthcare Co.,
Contact :
E-mail :
? Change of Personal
Information Handling Policy
This personal
information handling policy is effective April 18, 2014.